This was my last full day in Poland. Aneta and Kamil had a wondful surprise day planned for me. I got up early and headed in to Knurow on foot to get my nails done one last time. It was very cold and overcast with a light rain falling. I bundled up like I was going to the North Polee, grabbed my trusty umbrella and headed out. The wind kicked up and turned the umbrella inside out almost immediately, breaking one of the ribs so that one whole side of the umbrella flopped down in front of my face. I just kept truckin', or trekin' perhaps, and made my 10 am appointment with ten minutes to spare. I got pretty wet on the walk home, managed to mangle the polish job on my nails on at least three fingers and wondered why in the heck I ever thought this was a good idea!
Once I was home Aneta made it clear we were going somewhere special and I should dress accordingly. So I put on my most special pair of navy blue cords and a blue long sleeved pullover, topped it with a red paisley print denim jacket and accessorized with the beautiful navy blue and silver drop pendent necklace Aneta's mother, Alycja, gave me as a going away gift on Saturday.
Kamil arrived in his nice Volkswagon Golf and we headed out. We only got about a block and a half away when Aneta blurted something out from the back seat and Kamil stopped and turned the car around. Aneta forgot the camera so we had to take corrective action before we got too far up the road. Aneta and Kamil chatted merrily away during our 45 minute drive, occasionally stopping to give me a brief update on the conversation. I always get the abbreviated version of things but at least I get some idea of what they are talking about. Kamil told a joke, which Aneta found quite hilarious and attempted to translate it for me. It was humous but not nearly so funny as they seemed to find it in the Polish language. Actually I had heard the joke before but can't remember it now. I probably didn't think it was funny the first time either!
Eventually we found our way down a narrow tree lined lane heading deep into the woods. Our destination was the former hunting lodge of Kaiser Wilhelm,II and Princess Daisy, known as Promnice. This spectacularly beautiful and totally unique hunnting lodge turned out to be nestled deep in the woods on a small lake, surrounded by the peace and quiet only such locals can provide. The place has been turned into a hotel and gourmet restaurant. If you Google Promnice Poland you will find lovely photos of the place and a nice description of what we found there.
We were the only luncheon guests on this cold, blustery day. Kamil had reserved a private dining room in the turret, which was set for four at a round table. Witek's cousin Ela was supposed to join us also but there was an evening event at the lodge and they shifted our time from dinner to lunch and Ela was not able to leave work for a mid afternoon Rendevu. The lodge was being decorated for Christmas and there were lovely Christmas trees in several of the downstairs areas. The formal dining room was set for 200 guests for a sit down dinner and it looked lovely, our more intimate setting was very special indeed. Kamil ordered a nice wine for our lunch and we each ordered something different from the menu. I chose a mushroom soup in a clear broth for my starter, followed by medallions of beef in Chanterelle Mushroom sauce with fried zucinni and scalloped potatoes. Aneta ( who won't eat mushrooms under any circumstances) selected Tenderloin of Wild Boar with cranberry sauce eith boiled new red potatoes and Kamil opted for Roast Duck in mushroom sauce with garlic mashed potatoes. Each and every succulent bite was a gastronomic explosion of pure joy. We uhmed and ahhed our way through the meal, trading bites for tastes of each other's choices. We sipped our wine and lingered ov our meal for nearly two full hours. Dessert was a single small scoop of lemon/lime iced sherbet for Kamil, two chocolate covered Bon bons with a cream filling and huckleberry sauce for me and a chocolate decadence of some sort for Aneta. To say we were satisfied would be a gross undstatement. We were in heaven. We were full but not overful. We
Sat among the family pictures of the royal family and their children and imagined that this was the family dining room and that we were eating like royals. We played fantasy games and imagined the history in this beautiful place ess our history. What a delightful and u usual way to spend my last afternoon in Poland. I was with two of my dearest friends playing that I was the beautiful Princess Daisy! It doesn't get any better than that.
Whe. We finally finished eating and talking and fantasizing we were given a tour of the entire hotel, courtesy of Aneta's prior arrangements. The rooms are charming, eclectic, royal, small, medium and large. The downside to our bringing a tour group here to stay, (aside from the rather dear pricing $130 - $150 per person, per night)was narrow, steep staircases on the upper floors and no elevator. But the beauty and charm of the place was undeniable and we couldn't stop fantasizing about bringing a group here, at least for lunch or dinner. I don't know what Kamil and Aneta's lunch cost but mine was $25 without wine, and worth every penny. This was a very expensive outing for these wonderful young people and I am truly grateful and blessed to have been their guest on this most special of occasions.
The sky cleared a bit late in the afternoon and I stepped out to take photos of the lake before dark. The winding circular staircase from the main lobby to the second floor was really quite spectacular and one could not help feeling quite royal while ascending or descending such a grand accouterment. We headed back to Gliwice, happy in each other's company and feeling like we had really experienced something special on this lovely day.
Thank you Kamil and Aneta!!!
Tonight was set aside for final packing and making sure every electronic device I own was fully charged before I embark on my long journey home tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by to check on my progress. I have enjoyed keeping you all informed of my adventures in this lovely country among these wonderful, gracious and generous people.
Unique Grand Tours
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Sheik, rattle and roll!
You wouldn't believe it if I told you. We celebrated Witek Weclawek's 58th birthday tonight and it was a rip roarer! First he came dressed like a normal guy. Brought me a beautiful white rose and a lovely book about Gliwice as a farewell gift (yes, another one). Then he told me some cocka Maimie story about three guys he had hired to come and do a song for me but one of them has a wife who is delivering a baby at this very moment. Oh, too bad, as it takes all three of them to deliver their song. But, as luck would have it they recorded a video for me and we all gather around the laptop to see the video. Three naked guys covering their privates with both hands with S T O written across the three naked chests, then they would turn around and L A T written on their three naked backs, (with there backsides exposed)which, I am told means "100 years" and is a traditional birthday greeting. They did their thing about three times to the hoots and hollers of everyone present.
Well, that little detail out of the way we sat down to a long table filled with beautiful and delicious salads and other things, some of which were just too unusual for me to try comfortably. The shot glasses were filled with vodka and shouts of "naz- drowie" (nas- trovia)rang out regularly. I summoned my courage to give a toast to the birthday boy and Aneta translated (what she may have said I have no idea!)before we downed our vodka shots in a single gulp. I noticed that everyone who was drinking vodka was chasing it with apple juice or orange juice. Good idea.
After we drank and toasted and ate our fill Witek suddenly left the table and snagged Aneta to go with him. When he returned he was dressed as an Arab Sheik and was ready to get a party on! First he had to be photographed with his "harem"' which included every female in the room, including his daughter and granddaughter, his cousin, Gretchen, his friend's wife , Ania, his own wife, Alycja, his daughter-in-law to be, Isabella, Aneta's mother-in-law, Marion and, of course, ME, now being called his American wife. Then he put on the serious music and the dancing began. Shades of Aneta's wedding all over again. I am now three years older and one more back surgery into my old age. But when the Sheik wants to dance memos of the harem dare not refuse. So, he in his turban and long striped robe and me in my gum soled shoes danced until I could barely draw a breath. I was grateful for the gum soled shoes when he decided to dip me backward nearly to the floor. Fortunately my gum soles gripped and my partner's arms held out until I managed to get myself into an upright position again. At some point I staggered to the table again and spooned a bowl of goulash I to my mouth with a shaky hand. Near ten o'clock Aneta saved me by suggesting we head for home because the baby was tired. That baby is something else. What a party girl! She danced very dance, holding hands with everyone she could manage into a circle and she jumped up and down and wiggled with the best of them. She is sure her grandpa's granddaughter. (Well, truth to tell, his daughter cuts a mean rug herself!)
I felt very cherished at this gathering. Witek(father)'s cousin Grezhina (Gretchen) broughtbme a going away gift of a lovely large blue Christmas ornament with it's own table hanger stand. I met her at the wedding and saw her again the first weekend I arrivedin Poland
And haven't seen her since. These are the most generous and giving people in the world, I
think. Anyway, the evening was lovely, the company superb, and the party wonderfully entertaining. The food was amazing - really delicious. The restaurant name was
Zeppelin for the dirigible by the same name that landed at the Gliwice Airport one time and stayed for a couple of hours. Apparently it was a big deal but somehow the historic significance escaped me in the telling of the story.
Well, one final note about Zeppelin; the bathroom was great but the toilet paper was horrible! Naomi, you think the stuff we experienced with nibs on it before was bad - trust me kid, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
So we made it home in one piece (Aneta's Witek doesn't drink)and put an exhausted Ania to bed when we got a phone call saying I left my camera at the restaurant. Fortunately Witek's mom and dad were still there and they brought it back for me.
Goodnight all!
Well, that little detail out of the way we sat down to a long table filled with beautiful and delicious salads and other things, some of which were just too unusual for me to try comfortably. The shot glasses were filled with vodka and shouts of "naz- drowie" (nas- trovia)rang out regularly. I summoned my courage to give a toast to the birthday boy and Aneta translated (what she may have said I have no idea!)before we downed our vodka shots in a single gulp. I noticed that everyone who was drinking vodka was chasing it with apple juice or orange juice. Good idea.
After we drank and toasted and ate our fill Witek suddenly left the table and snagged Aneta to go with him. When he returned he was dressed as an Arab Sheik and was ready to get a party on! First he had to be photographed with his "harem"' which included every female in the room, including his daughter and granddaughter, his cousin, Gretchen, his friend's wife , Ania, his own wife, Alycja, his daughter-in-law to be, Isabella, Aneta's mother-in-law, Marion and, of course, ME, now being called his American wife. Then he put on the serious music and the dancing began. Shades of Aneta's wedding all over again. I am now three years older and one more back surgery into my old age. But when the Sheik wants to dance memos of the harem dare not refuse. So, he in his turban and long striped robe and me in my gum soled shoes danced until I could barely draw a breath. I was grateful for the gum soled shoes when he decided to dip me backward nearly to the floor. Fortunately my gum soles gripped and my partner's arms held out until I managed to get myself into an upright position again. At some point I staggered to the table again and spooned a bowl of goulash I to my mouth with a shaky hand. Near ten o'clock Aneta saved me by suggesting we head for home because the baby was tired. That baby is something else. What a party girl! She danced very dance, holding hands with everyone she could manage into a circle and she jumped up and down and wiggled with the best of them. She is sure her grandpa's granddaughter. (Well, truth to tell, his daughter cuts a mean rug herself!)
I felt very cherished at this gathering. Witek(father)'s cousin Grezhina (Gretchen) broughtbme a going away gift of a lovely large blue Christmas ornament with it's own table hanger stand. I met her at the wedding and saw her again the first weekend I arrivedin Poland
And haven't seen her since. These are the most generous and giving people in the world, I
think. Anyway, the evening was lovely, the company superb, and the party wonderfully entertaining. The food was amazing - really delicious. The restaurant name was
Zeppelin for the dirigible by the same name that landed at the Gliwice Airport one time and stayed for a couple of hours. Apparently it was a big deal but somehow the historic significance escaped me in the telling of the story.
Well, one final note about Zeppelin; the bathroom was great but the toilet paper was horrible! Naomi, you think the stuff we experienced with nibs on it before was bad - trust me kid, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
So we made it home in one piece (Aneta's Witek doesn't drink)and put an exhausted Ania to bed when we got a phone call saying I left my camera at the restaurant. Fortunately Witek's mom and dad were still there and they brought it back for me.
Goodnight all!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Just when you think it's all over.....
I was a little premature in thinking this would be a quiet and uneventful week. Okay, Monday was sort of quiet after Witek left to go back to his school at 3 pm and Aneta and I actually watched a documentary movie about Annie Leibovitz, the famous photographer. Kasia came over and watched part of it with us as Ania was taking a long nap after her big weekend. We ate pretzel sticks and shared a big Carmel filled chocolate bar. It was a real girlfriends evening.
Little did I know that Tuesday was a big deal day in Poland. It was Santa Claus Day - or Saint Nicolas Day to be more precise. I think we had four meals Tuesday interspersed with two servings of cakes! Witek came home again and sometime during the day his parents came over for an extended visit. Aneta told me her father was coming over around seven. Well, it turns out that her father is Santa Claus, complete with the red coat with white trim, a hat with a fluff ball on the end and a fake white beard. By the time he arrived we had also collected Aneta's mother, Alycja, her brother, Thomas, Kasia from next door and Witek, Aneta, myself and Ania. Everyone was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Saint Nicolas to see how Ania would react. When he arrived it was quite an event. Ania was very shy of him- of course - and hid her face in her mother's pant leg. When he got the bag of goodies off his shoulder and put it on the floor she got a bit more intrigued. Oncee he started hauling gifts out of the bag and handing them to her she was all over it. Santa brought her a new hooded sweater, a Dora the Explorer shirt, a magnetic fishing game, a Hello Kitty lunch box, a Disney treasure chest, a puzzle and book. He brought Kasia a computer CD/DVD that turned out to be way beyond her years so he has gone to the store to exchange it as I write this.
After the visit Santa left and a while later Aneta's father showed up. Ania gave him a
sideways look and then looked at her grandmother with a look that said, "I know who Santa
Claus is but I am going to play along here."
Once the whole gang was present Santa Claus Witek got a large glass of Piwo (beer) for his efforts and the rest of us were invited to the table, yet again. By 10pm the crowd had dwindled to our nuclear unit again and Witek put a tired little girl to bed. Aneta and I collapsed on the sofa (my bed) and were finally joined by an exhausted Witek where we visited and recounted the day. Just before she went in to bed Aneta said, "tomorrow you have lunch at
Witek's parents."
"I do?" I said, puzzled.
"Yes, don't you remember? They invite you on Saturday night for the Grochowka(grow-hoove-ka)."
I didn't remember until she mentioned it and then a vague something came drifting back into my feeble mind and I said, "oh, Yaa. I remember something about thinking I'd have to climb all those stairs again.". Clearly my memory lapse was bodily protection. Aneta's response?
"You didn't have walk today so it will be good for you."
She is so tough on me!
Anyway, the lunch will be followed by a birthday party for Aneta's father, Witek, at a nice restaurant somewhere this evening. He extended me a personal invitation and I did manage to remember that. We had a conversation about which birthday but I don't think I got a square answer for sure. Maybe his 58th. Aneta is going to buy him a Squash Racket in the hopes that he will take up a new, more active, sport. I have no clue what to offer at this gig.
Witek fixed breakfast this morning and it was the lovely offering of dill pickles, radishes thinly sliced ham, cheese slices, sliced tomatoes with diced fresh onion and herbs atop, warm fresh bread with butter and coffee. It reminded me of the early days of breakfasts in Poland before I corrupted Aneta by introducing her to cornflakes and granola!
So now I am off to lunch at Marion and Franke Studzinscy for lunch. (I had a little language lesson there; Marion by herself is Marion Studzinska, Franke by himself is Franke Studzinski but together they are Marion and Franke Studzinscy!) are you thoroughly confused now? I am!
I will report on the birthday party tonight if I am still standing upright at 10 pm. Otherwise it will be tomorrow after I get my last Polish French Manicure at 10 am.
"My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.
I'm standing here outside your door.
I hate to wake you up to say good-bye....."
But I'm leavin' on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh babe, I hate to go...."
My apologies to The Mama's and The Papa's, but I can't get this song out of my head. The words probably aren't even in the right order - I have a tendency to do that with song lyrics - get them all screwed up, that is.
Be back later.
Little did I know that Tuesday was a big deal day in Poland. It was Santa Claus Day - or Saint Nicolas Day to be more precise. I think we had four meals Tuesday interspersed with two servings of cakes! Witek came home again and sometime during the day his parents came over for an extended visit. Aneta told me her father was coming over around seven. Well, it turns out that her father is Santa Claus, complete with the red coat with white trim, a hat with a fluff ball on the end and a fake white beard. By the time he arrived we had also collected Aneta's mother, Alycja, her brother, Thomas, Kasia from next door and Witek, Aneta, myself and Ania. Everyone was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Saint Nicolas to see how Ania would react. When he arrived it was quite an event. Ania was very shy of him- of course - and hid her face in her mother's pant leg. When he got the bag of goodies off his shoulder and put it on the floor she got a bit more intrigued. Oncee he started hauling gifts out of the bag and handing them to her she was all over it. Santa brought her a new hooded sweater, a Dora the Explorer shirt, a magnetic fishing game, a Hello Kitty lunch box, a Disney treasure chest, a puzzle and book. He brought Kasia a computer CD/DVD that turned out to be way beyond her years so he has gone to the store to exchange it as I write this.
After the visit Santa left and a while later Aneta's father showed up. Ania gave him a
sideways look and then looked at her grandmother with a look that said, "I know who Santa
Claus is but I am going to play along here."
Once the whole gang was present Santa Claus Witek got a large glass of Piwo (beer) for his efforts and the rest of us were invited to the table, yet again. By 10pm the crowd had dwindled to our nuclear unit again and Witek put a tired little girl to bed. Aneta and I collapsed on the sofa (my bed) and were finally joined by an exhausted Witek where we visited and recounted the day. Just before she went in to bed Aneta said, "tomorrow you have lunch at
Witek's parents."
"I do?" I said, puzzled.
"Yes, don't you remember? They invite you on Saturday night for the Grochowka(grow-hoove-ka)."
I didn't remember until she mentioned it and then a vague something came drifting back into my feeble mind and I said, "oh, Yaa. I remember something about thinking I'd have to climb all those stairs again.". Clearly my memory lapse was bodily protection. Aneta's response?
"You didn't have walk today so it will be good for you."
She is so tough on me!
Anyway, the lunch will be followed by a birthday party for Aneta's father, Witek, at a nice restaurant somewhere this evening. He extended me a personal invitation and I did manage to remember that. We had a conversation about which birthday but I don't think I got a square answer for sure. Maybe his 58th. Aneta is going to buy him a Squash Racket in the hopes that he will take up a new, more active, sport. I have no clue what to offer at this gig.
Witek fixed breakfast this morning and it was the lovely offering of dill pickles, radishes thinly sliced ham, cheese slices, sliced tomatoes with diced fresh onion and herbs atop, warm fresh bread with butter and coffee. It reminded me of the early days of breakfasts in Poland before I corrupted Aneta by introducing her to cornflakes and granola!
So now I am off to lunch at Marion and Franke Studzinscy for lunch. (I had a little language lesson there; Marion by herself is Marion Studzinska, Franke by himself is Franke Studzinski but together they are Marion and Franke Studzinscy!) are you thoroughly confused now? I am!
I will report on the birthday party tonight if I am still standing upright at 10 pm. Otherwise it will be tomorrow after I get my last Polish French Manicure at 10 am.
"My bags are packed, I'm ready to go.
I'm standing here outside your door.
I hate to wake you up to say good-bye....."
But I'm leavin' on a jet plane,
Don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh babe, I hate to go...."
My apologies to The Mama's and The Papa's, but I can't get this song out of my head. The words probably aren't even in the right order - I have a tendency to do that with song lyrics - get them all screwed up, that is.
Be back later.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Party Time!
Sometimes the limitations of English can produce the most wonderful experiences. I failed to tell this story on the Wednesday post so you get it tonight.
When Kamil came to pick Aneta and me up for our day visiting "closed for the winter" castles it was an especially cold and dreary day. Kamil was bundled up in the traditional garb worn by everyone you see outside in these parts, warm coat,collar up, neck muffler wrapped around twice, gloves and hat. When he came into the flat he shivered and said it was very cold outside. Then he reached for me to give me a hug. He hugged me nice and close and then exclaimed, "Oh, you are so hot!" Believe me it made my day! I laughed so hard and he turned so red when he realized what he had said.
So, when Kamil arrived at the good-bye party last night I had to tell the story for everyone to enjoy. He may never live it down!
Aneta and Witek threw an awesome farewell party for me last night. Most everyone who was invited came and we had a delightful time hugging and crying and kissing each other. Nearly everyone who came brought me a going away gift. It was so touching. I received a beautiful porcelain cup and saucer from Kacia, the young lady in the flat across the entry from us. She was as excited about giving the gift as I was about receiving such a lovely and thoughtful gift.
Ania and Marek brought me a tradtional Polish gift of Vodka and a box of sweets with wished for me to remember Poland and them with good thoughts and memories. Kamil brought me a lovely panoramic photo calendar, with a dedication by him written on top, and some wonderful looking chocolate truffle treats from the chocolatier we visited together on our day trip. From Frank and Marianna I received the Polish National Emblem to put in my caar window back home. from Witek and Alycja I received a beautiful Christmas ornament to remember them by and a beautiful silver necklace with a stunning blue/black stone pendant. From Michal, Agnes and Konrad I received a really nice book about this Region, Silesia, written in multiple languages, of which one is English. It has many lovely photos and tells about all the special festivals and holidays celebrated in this region as well as giving an historical overview of the area. Ela brought me a nice coffee mug from Ustron, the mountain we visited together. I was so touched by everyone's generosity as I have been so thankful for their hospitality and welcoming spirits.
I had small gifts for each of the guests as well, Christmas centerpiece candles for Franek and Marion and Witek and Alicja, a Black Eyed Peas CD for Kasia (her favorite group), a porcelain angel box for Ela, who was such an angel to open her home and heart to me, and special gold heart Christmas ornaments for each of my other friends so as they trim their trees in years to come they will hang it and remember our special connection. Konrad was sick and couldn't come to the party but Aneta and Wiek and I went together and bought him a new Harry Potter game for his computer. Michal took it home to him so he could play it last night. Aneta, Witek and Ania received their Christmas presents from me last night as well. Early, I know, but I won't be here for Christmas and it is so much more fun to see the recipient open the gift in person. Ania was dressed in her adorable blue party dress I made for her and brought with me. It was much to big for her when I arrived three months ago but fit her perfectly last night. She has grown so much in these three short months. Aneta received a wrist watch so she can better control her time and her life! Witek received a leather bound National Geographic date book with beautiful photos on very page, many of places he and Aneta have visited in the US and throughout the world. (He is not using electronic gadgetry to keep his appointments yet.) Ania received a large piece Disney Winnie the Pooh puzzle and a pair of Marimba band shaker instruments made of wood. She loved her gifts and playe with them all evening. Actually everyone seemed happy with what they received and I must say I was overwhelmed with the gifts of love extended to me from and by all of these lovely people.
The table was weighed down under all the food we had. Aneta prepare both the vegetable and the layered salads that we put on the blog a few days ago. I made a good old fashioned American potato salad, Ela brought a delicious curry pasta salad, Witek made both Zurek soup with sausage and Tiramisu. Aneta made a special poppy seed cake, the recipe for which has been passed down to her from her aunt. It was delicious! The girl can cook! We bought two rotisserie chickens and I peeled all the meat off the bones before the guests arrived and we served it as bite size pieces in a large bowl. We had chips and crackers and Brie and other cheeses, tomatoes with mozzarella cheese in herbs and olive oil, the traditional slices of ham, Coke, Coke Zero and wine. We had enough food to make everyone happy and enough left over for breakfast/brunch today and dinner for Witek's parents and Aneta's parents at different times today. Aneta also sent food home with Michal for Agnes and Konrad, who are both under the weather. Goodbye's don't get any better than this!
A few of my dearest Polish friends were not able to make the party for various reasons, Kojak and Agnes and Ewa, the beautiful little red haired girl who has served as our Krakow guide on previous trips. That was a missed communication and I felt terrible about it but she knows I love her and I know she wanted to be here.
Today is Sunday and Witek is still home. He passed all his tests with flying colors and gets an extra night at home this weekend as a reward. Aneta and I were on a mission this afternoon and went to the Forum Shopping center to wait for Aneta's name to be called in the drawing for a trip for two to Paris, on which she had promised to take me if she won! She didn't. Bummer. We were so sure her's would be the name called. Instead it was some short, plump, young man. I am sure the promoters are cringing tonight as this trip included a big Paris shopping spree and an image make-over! I hope this guy has a beautiful young wife or girlfriend but since none seemed to be with him he will probably take his short plump mother along for the beauty make-over. Such is life. Lotteries just aren't fair!
But the good news was Aneta and I had a great afternoon sitting in a specialty coffee shop eating cake and drinking Cafe Macchiatos. No, we didn't do any shopping and we didn't spend any money except for the indulgences mentioned here. When we left the mall it was raining again but the air is warm so it doesn't feel like there is any snow coming before I am airborne.
Aneta and Witek and 8 of their friends have reserved cabins in the mountains for a ski vacation beginning the day after I leave and there is NO SNOW anywhere! They are really bummed and several of those who have committed and paid a deposit are threatening to pull out. Aneta wants to go, hike, enjoy the out of doors, be with her husband after a long three month absence, and generally spend some quality time with Ania and her friends. I hope she gets her wish and I hope it snows on December 11th!!! At least in the mountains.
This week we have an invitation to Witek Weclawek's birthday party (I think it is his 58th, but he tried to convince me it was his 21st)on Wednesday and an evening for dinner with Kamil at Promienice, a hunting palace formerly owned by the same family that had the palace at Psczyna we visited earlier. The hunting lodge has been turned into a gourmet restaurant that is supposed to be out of this world.
I hope I find time to pack my clothes and find a place for all these lovely gifts I will be carrying home!
I will try to post as I go this week but it may be pretty boring stuff. So if I don't get back to you before the end of the year have a wonderful holiday season and a blessed, happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!
When Kamil came to pick Aneta and me up for our day visiting "closed for the winter" castles it was an especially cold and dreary day. Kamil was bundled up in the traditional garb worn by everyone you see outside in these parts, warm coat,collar up, neck muffler wrapped around twice, gloves and hat. When he came into the flat he shivered and said it was very cold outside. Then he reached for me to give me a hug. He hugged me nice and close and then exclaimed, "Oh, you are so hot!" Believe me it made my day! I laughed so hard and he turned so red when he realized what he had said.
So, when Kamil arrived at the good-bye party last night I had to tell the story for everyone to enjoy. He may never live it down!
Aneta and Witek threw an awesome farewell party for me last night. Most everyone who was invited came and we had a delightful time hugging and crying and kissing each other. Nearly everyone who came brought me a going away gift. It was so touching. I received a beautiful porcelain cup and saucer from Kacia, the young lady in the flat across the entry from us. She was as excited about giving the gift as I was about receiving such a lovely and thoughtful gift.
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Fot: Linda and Marek at the party, Aneta |
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Fot: From left Marianna, Alicja, Linda and Witek, Aneta |
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Fot: A party table, Linda |
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Fot: Ania in her beautiful dress made by Linda |
Today is Sunday and Witek is still home. He passed all his tests with flying colors and gets an extra night at home this weekend as a reward. Aneta and I were on a mission this afternoon and went to the Forum Shopping center to wait for Aneta's name to be called in the drawing for a trip for two to Paris, on which she had promised to take me if she won! She didn't. Bummer. We were so sure her's would be the name called. Instead it was some short, plump, young man. I am sure the promoters are cringing tonight as this trip included a big Paris shopping spree and an image make-over! I hope this guy has a beautiful young wife or girlfriend but since none seemed to be with him he will probably take his short plump mother along for the beauty make-over. Such is life. Lotteries just aren't fair!
But the good news was Aneta and I had a great afternoon sitting in a specialty coffee shop eating cake and drinking Cafe Macchiatos. No, we didn't do any shopping and we didn't spend any money except for the indulgences mentioned here. When we left the mall it was raining again but the air is warm so it doesn't feel like there is any snow coming before I am airborne.
Aneta and Witek and 8 of their friends have reserved cabins in the mountains for a ski vacation beginning the day after I leave and there is NO SNOW anywhere! They are really bummed and several of those who have committed and paid a deposit are threatening to pull out. Aneta wants to go, hike, enjoy the out of doors, be with her husband after a long three month absence, and generally spend some quality time with Ania and her friends. I hope she gets her wish and I hope it snows on December 11th!!! At least in the mountains.
This week we have an invitation to Witek Weclawek's birthday party (I think it is his 58th, but he tried to convince me it was his 21st)on Wednesday and an evening for dinner with Kamil at Promienice, a hunting palace formerly owned by the same family that had the palace at Psczyna we visited earlier. The hunting lodge has been turned into a gourmet restaurant that is supposed to be out of this world.
I hope I find time to pack my clothes and find a place for all these lovely gifts I will be carrying home!
I will try to post as I go this week but it may be pretty boring stuff. So if I don't get back to you before the end of the year have a wonderful holiday season and a blessed, happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Week of Wonders
My Tuesday surprise was a visit to the largest shopping mall in Silesia, near Katowice. Walking in a shopping mall makes my back ache and Aneta dislikes shopping so between the two of us we are not a mall merchants dream team.
I was able to finish a little Christmas shopping for things I will leave behind with people I have grown to care about over these past few months. Aneta and Witek are throwing a big good-bye party for me on Saturday to which everyone I have met here has been invited. Aneta found some nice all wood toys for Ania and Timon and I succeeded in finding Christmas presents for both Aneta and Witek so we had a good shopping day. We had lunch in the mall food court at the Thai Express (that took a bit of convincing for Aneta)with soft drinks from McDonalds because you can get a drink with ICE at McD's. On our return home we stopped for groceries at Auchan, a smaller shopping mall come grocery retailer near Knurow. At 5:30 pm we collapsed on a bench in the mall and indulged in a small ice cream cone to cap our vigorous day of shopping. If there was Ania evening attached to this day I am afraid I don't remember much about it!
Wednesday I was up bright and early to be ready for a 9:30 am departure with Kamil and Aneta to visit the palace/castle at Pieskowa in the Ojcowski National Park. Of course the castle museum was closed for the winter but we were able to walk all around the interior court yards, read about the history, dating from the mid 1300's, and enjoy a lovely long walk through the woods and down a long road from the car park to the palace. We had a light lunch at the cafe in the castle tower. I had an omlette with mushrooms and it was the most unusual omlette I have ever had. It was puffed up full of air so that when you bit down on a bite it was like eating foam and it had zero seasoning so the experience was a bit like eating foam as well. I think they prepared the eggs in one of these milk frothers they use here for making coffee with foamed milk on top.
I enjoyed a lively and pleasant conversation with Kamil in his new Volkswagon Golf with the built in GPS on the dash board. Pretty fancy stuff for this old outdated Americano. Speaking English is very stressful for Kamil as he works at it so hard and worries so about making a mistake.
His English is actually quite good and I felt that we did an admirable job of communicating about the science of climate change, politics in America, opportunity for young people in both Poland and America and his brother's recent visit to America and Chicago and his attendant observations on American life. We also discussed the "old west" and the area of Eastern Oregon in which I live and how it is like the real old west in so many ways.
Before we left the Ojcowski National Park Kamil drove to another area of the park to show me a other castle ruin. This really was a ruin and it was way up on top of a steep hill. I was so worn out from our looong walk to the Pieskowa Palace that I said I could not possibly climb up that long very steep hill to see another castle ruin.
Besides,Ania was asleep in the backseat carseat and it would have been unkind to wake her up for this. So we took some photos from the raking area at the bottom of the hill and then moved on to visit a very interesting old wooded church spanning a river. It turns out that at some time in the past when the
Russians still had Tzars, one of them issued an edict that people could not build catholic churches on the land area that now comprises Silesia. So, ever creative, the people built their church on pillars standing in the river bed as the edict said nothing about building on water. Now there were benches arranged as if they were pews sitting all along the river bank in front of the church building.
After we returned to Gliwice Kamil took us to visit a new Chocolatier in old town Gliwice recently opened by friends of his. The place is charming and the hot chocolate was so think we had to eat it with a spoon! It was made from real melted chocolate and was absolutely delicious. Kamil ordered four slices of chocolate cake as well, two each of two different varieties and we shared the eating of them. All in all it was a wonderful evening following a wonderful day visiting a beautiful park with incredible rock formations and castles- both standing and in ruins. Thank you my dear new friend, Kamil, for such an experience.
I am certain that planning future trips to Poland will at some point have to include a tour of Silesia as this populous area has an incredible history and many beautiful antiquities upon which to feast the eyes. However, I recommend coming in the spring or summer when the palaces and castles are open!
Michal arrived on Thursday morning at 10 am to take Aneta and me to the Tarnowskie Gory Silver Mine. This underground adventure was perfect for this cold, foggy day. Upon arriving we learned that we would have to tour with a large group of school children or purchase 4 admissions and get a private English Speaking guide. I was not privy to the conversation so I didn't give input but soon found that we had a private guide - Jerzy ( or "George" in English, he informed me) was a man at least as old as I am who spoke very good English and was a wonderful guide. Jerzy led us on quite the tour including 800 meters in a narrow boat along an underground canal that was used by the silver miners to move ore from the chambers to the buckets they used to haul it to the surface. There are over 130 miles of underground corridors and waterways in this mine. Needless to say we only toured a small part of it.
We did tour passageways that were made 400 years ago and some made as recently as 100 years ago. The water from the underground canals flows into the two largest rivers in Poland the Wistula and the Odra after it leaves the underground caverns. Some of the passageways were very narrow and had very Odis ceilings so that we had to walk bent over with our hands resting on our knees. Jerzy repeatedly told us how the miners where much shorter than people are today - perhaps working underground from an early age stunts growth!
The tour of the mine and the mining museum took over two hours and we were walking the entire time with the exception of the 800 meters in a boat. We were all hungry and tired when we emerged into the world of light and living things so we made haste for home where we could fix a nice hot dinner. Michal dropped us off at Tesco so we could pick up a few things for making spaghetti and Aneta and I walked back to the flat with our bags of groceries. Michal went to pick Agnes up from work and then Konrad, Agnes and Michal came over for dinner. I prepared spaghetti as close to American style as I could manage and Aneta threw together a nice green salad with Italian dressing. I sliced a baguette and buttered the pieces and wrapped them in aluminum foil to heat in the oven, Garlic salt does not exist in this kitchen, nor does powdered garlic so we just had to pretend we had warm garlic bread as an accompaniment.
I SKYPED with my mom tonight and learned that my cousin Patti's husband,Ray Crim,died last week. I am so sad for Patti. She lost her mother in August and now her husband just three months later. Life and death continue on wherever we are in the world.
Friday was supposed to be shopping day for the big party on Saturday night but Aneta's car has been in the shop since Thursday morning and isn't ready yet. So we spent the day cleaning the apartment - I should say Aneta cleaning the apartment and me packing and trying to get some of my stuff out of her living room so she can actually have a party in there on Saturday.
I packed up another box of gifts and goods to mail home as I will be over the limit for weight with luggage if I try to carry all this stuff with me. Witek arrived earlier than expected and we were all happy to see him. He announced that he passed all his exams with the highest score possible and graduated tops of his class at the fire school administrators program. Congratulations Witek!
Witek went and got his parents car so we could go shopping and with the neighbor girl, Kacia, in tow we went to Auchan for our big grocery shopping expedition. When we arrived home again I headed for the kitchen as I had promised to make my American potato salad for the big event. Witek was also in the kitchen making Tiramisu and Aneta was making Polish Vegetable salad and the chicken layered salad that we put on the blog last week. I finally crawled into bed at 11 pm and Aneta and Witek were both still up on the kitchen working away. I was long since asleep when they shut out the lights and went to bed. I had an early morning at the hairdresser this morning - Saturday and needed my beauty sleep.
I was up at 7:30 today and got myself ready to walk up to the shopping are sin Knurow where Agneta the lovely hairdresser has her little shop. The ground was wet and we were having rain for only the second time in the three months plus that I have been here! The air was reasonably warm and I enjoyed my early morning walk. I met a man at the hairdresser who spoke quite good English. He was commenting that he was happy to see rain and not snow because he is a truck driver. He was excited to meet someone who spoke English but mistakenly thought I was from England and waxed enthusiastic about what a beautiful country England is. He looked so disappointed when I told him I was from America! Actually he looked confused more than disappointed.
So, gifts are wrapped, cards of thanks are written, food is nearly all prepared and now we wait for the long good-bye to begin. Already this morning Agnes has called to say she is so ill she can't get out of bed and Konrad is also ill so only Michal will come to the party and he can only stay for about an hour. This has to be a stressful time in their lives as Michal was downsized St work and is unemployed since Thursday, which is why he had a free day to take me to the silver mine. This is a fact I didn't learn until after the fact, however, or I never would have agreed. Then to top it off this lovely little family bought me a pair of the most lovely Amethyst earrings as a good-bye gift. They were so excited to give them to me they couldn't wait until the party on Saturday. Now I am glad I opened them on Thursday so they could all see my joy at this thoughtful and unexpected gift.
Tomorrow I will post about the party. I fly out of Katowice on the 9th - next Friday and leave Warsaw early Saturday morning. It will be hard to leave my new friends and my polish family but I am anxious to get home to my own family and see my beautiful grandchildren - all six of them!
Aneta has put a few more photos on the blog recently if you haven't scrolled back to earlier blogs you might want to take a look.
I was able to finish a little Christmas shopping for things I will leave behind with people I have grown to care about over these past few months. Aneta and Witek are throwing a big good-bye party for me on Saturday to which everyone I have met here has been invited. Aneta found some nice all wood toys for Ania and Timon and I succeeded in finding Christmas presents for both Aneta and Witek so we had a good shopping day. We had lunch in the mall food court at the Thai Express (that took a bit of convincing for Aneta)with soft drinks from McDonalds because you can get a drink with ICE at McD's. On our return home we stopped for groceries at Auchan, a smaller shopping mall come grocery retailer near Knurow. At 5:30 pm we collapsed on a bench in the mall and indulged in a small ice cream cone to cap our vigorous day of shopping. If there was Ania evening attached to this day I am afraid I don't remember much about it!
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Fot: The courtyartd of the Pieskowa Skala Castle, Linda |
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Fot: Pieskowa Skala Castle, Kamil |
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Fot: Linda and Kamil, Aneta |
Before we left the Ojcowski National Park Kamil drove to another area of the park to show me a other castle ruin. This really was a ruin and it was way up on top of a steep hill. I was so worn out from our looong walk to the Pieskowa Palace that I said I could not possibly climb up that long very steep hill to see another castle ruin.
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Fot: Ojcow Castle Ruins, Linda |
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Fot: The chapel on the water, Linda |
After we returned to Gliwice Kamil took us to visit a new Chocolatier in old town Gliwice recently opened by friends of his. The place is charming and the hot chocolate was so think we had to eat it with a spoon! It was made from real melted chocolate and was absolutely delicious. Kamil ordered four slices of chocolate cake as well, two each of two different varieties and we shared the eating of them. All in all it was a wonderful evening following a wonderful day visiting a beautiful park with incredible rock formations and castles- both standing and in ruins. Thank you my dear new friend, Kamil, for such an experience.
I am certain that planning future trips to Poland will at some point have to include a tour of Silesia as this populous area has an incredible history and many beautiful antiquities upon which to feast the eyes. However, I recommend coming in the spring or summer when the palaces and castles are open!
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Fot: George (our guide), Linda and Michal, Aneta |
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Fot: St. Barbara, miner's patron, Linda |
The tour of the mine and the mining museum took over two hours and we were walking the entire time with the exception of the 800 meters in a boat. We were all hungry and tired when we emerged into the world of light and living things so we made haste for home where we could fix a nice hot dinner. Michal dropped us off at Tesco so we could pick up a few things for making spaghetti and Aneta and I walked back to the flat with our bags of groceries. Michal went to pick Agnes up from work and then Konrad, Agnes and Michal came over for dinner. I prepared spaghetti as close to American style as I could manage and Aneta threw together a nice green salad with Italian dressing. I sliced a baguette and buttered the pieces and wrapped them in aluminum foil to heat in the oven, Garlic salt does not exist in this kitchen, nor does powdered garlic so we just had to pretend we had warm garlic bread as an accompaniment.
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Fot: Look, what we found on the wall of the mine! |
Friday was supposed to be shopping day for the big party on Saturday night but Aneta's car has been in the shop since Thursday morning and isn't ready yet. So we spent the day cleaning the apartment - I should say Aneta cleaning the apartment and me packing and trying to get some of my stuff out of her living room so she can actually have a party in there on Saturday.
I packed up another box of gifts and goods to mail home as I will be over the limit for weight with luggage if I try to carry all this stuff with me. Witek arrived earlier than expected and we were all happy to see him. He announced that he passed all his exams with the highest score possible and graduated tops of his class at the fire school administrators program. Congratulations Witek!
Witek went and got his parents car so we could go shopping and with the neighbor girl, Kacia, in tow we went to Auchan for our big grocery shopping expedition. When we arrived home again I headed for the kitchen as I had promised to make my American potato salad for the big event. Witek was also in the kitchen making Tiramisu and Aneta was making Polish Vegetable salad and the chicken layered salad that we put on the blog last week. I finally crawled into bed at 11 pm and Aneta and Witek were both still up on the kitchen working away. I was long since asleep when they shut out the lights and went to bed. I had an early morning at the hairdresser this morning - Saturday and needed my beauty sleep.
I was up at 7:30 today and got myself ready to walk up to the shopping are sin Knurow where Agneta the lovely hairdresser has her little shop. The ground was wet and we were having rain for only the second time in the three months plus that I have been here! The air was reasonably warm and I enjoyed my early morning walk. I met a man at the hairdresser who spoke quite good English. He was commenting that he was happy to see rain and not snow because he is a truck driver. He was excited to meet someone who spoke English but mistakenly thought I was from England and waxed enthusiastic about what a beautiful country England is. He looked so disappointed when I told him I was from America! Actually he looked confused more than disappointed.
So, gifts are wrapped, cards of thanks are written, food is nearly all prepared and now we wait for the long good-bye to begin. Already this morning Agnes has called to say she is so ill she can't get out of bed and Konrad is also ill so only Michal will come to the party and he can only stay for about an hour. This has to be a stressful time in their lives as Michal was downsized St work and is unemployed since Thursday, which is why he had a free day to take me to the silver mine. This is a fact I didn't learn until after the fact, however, or I never would have agreed. Then to top it off this lovely little family bought me a pair of the most lovely Amethyst earrings as a good-bye gift. They were so excited to give them to me they couldn't wait until the party on Saturday. Now I am glad I opened them on Thursday so they could all see my joy at this thoughtful and unexpected gift.
Tomorrow I will post about the party. I fly out of Katowice on the 9th - next Friday and leave Warsaw early Saturday morning. It will be hard to leave my new friends and my polish family but I am anxious to get home to my own family and see my beautiful grandchildren - all six of them!
Aneta has put a few more photos on the blog recently if you haven't scrolled back to earlier blogs you might want to take a look.
Monday, November 28, 2011
1Q84 and a Nice Walk
Aneta and Ania and I walked up to Knurow to the market in search of Vodka today. We came home empty handed as they didn't have what we were looking for. I did find a Christmas present for Ania though and we had a lovely walk. It was warm and sunny out today and perfect for a nice walk. We had a lovely lunch at Little Toscany - our favorite local restaurant. We enjoyed a cup of hot wine and lasagna before continuing on our walk. Nice break.
We finished 1Q84 today and Aneta thought it had a weird ending. I am sort of missing it now that it is over. This book is very long and has a greet deal of stuff repeated over and over to the point of making the reading somewhat laborious. On the other hand it was something we kept coming back to - probably in the hope that something would actually happen as we read together for a couple of hours. Aneta slept through big chunks of the book but doesn't think she missed a thing! Anyway it was 3,018 pages on the iPad reader with two pages across and about half that with one page vertical. I don't have any idea how long it is in the printed version but I think it is around 1,000 pages. It seems like it took us forever to wade through it but I think I enjoyed it in the final analysis and I didn't think it ended too badly. They all have to end some way and I guess this author did as good a job as any other might have.
Franke and Marion stopped by to see Aneta and Ania early this evening and stayed about an hour. They are lovely people and I wish I could visit with them as I think I would like them very much.
Tomorrow is "girlfriends day" and Aneta has a surprise up her sleeve. Stay tuned.
We finished 1Q84 today and Aneta thought it had a weird ending. I am sort of missing it now that it is over. This book is very long and has a greet deal of stuff repeated over and over to the point of making the reading somewhat laborious. On the other hand it was something we kept coming back to - probably in the hope that something would actually happen as we read together for a couple of hours. Aneta slept through big chunks of the book but doesn't think she missed a thing! Anyway it was 3,018 pages on the iPad reader with two pages across and about half that with one page vertical. I don't have any idea how long it is in the printed version but I think it is around 1,000 pages. It seems like it took us forever to wade through it but I think I enjoyed it in the final analysis and I didn't think it ended too badly. They all have to end some way and I guess this author did as good a job as any other might have.
Franke and Marion stopped by to see Aneta and Ania early this evening and stayed about an hour. They are lovely people and I wish I could visit with them as I think I would like them very much.
Tomorrow is "girlfriends day" and Aneta has a surprise up her sleeve. Stay tuned.
Catching Up
Sometimes a person just needs to settle into their surroundings and enjoy the quiet. This was that kind of week.
The car was still in the shop Tuesday so we pretty much just hung out today. Actually Aneta's father-in-law, Franke called and said he was picking us up at 10 AM to take us to the market. Turns out it was the Polish Bazaar that we had gone to with him previously. It was bitter cold out today and overcast so we bundled up like we were going to the North Pole. "Jzimna" is the word I keep hearing when it is cold out and I have no clue how to spell it but it sounds like zz- im -na to my ear. When I hear that I start piling on the warm clothes. We spent about a half-hour out in the cold before we headed to the car. I bought some more underwear and a gift for one of my grandsons and Aneta and Franke bought fresh vegetables, bread and eggs. Next we went to the regular grocery store so they could pick up the remaining items we apparently needed; milk, cream, coffee, etc. After the market they dropped me off at the flat and went to town to pick up Aneta's car from the repair shop. Her car has been converted to LPG - natural gas - and was having a problem staying alive while you drove down the road. Not real safe and very concerning to have your car die while you are barreling along in traffic on a highway.
Krystian came over again this week on Wednesday evening and we had a wonderful visit with our young Ron Paul fan. To hear him tell it the USA is doomed to a total collapse of our fragile economy if we don't elect Ron Paul. He believes this with all his heart and he is also highly incensed that the "mainstream media" in the US ignore Ron Paul. I played the Jon Stewart clip on Ron Paul for him, in which Jon Stewart makes the same point about the mainstream media. Then we discussed Jon Stewart and why I enjoy his show. He asked me if I ever watched the news on UTube. I said no, as I have never done so. He wanted to know why and I told him I supposed it was a generational thing. So we fired up the old iPad and found UTube and they showed me how to find RTTV, where Krystian thinks I will find unbiased world news at the touch of a button. Turns out RTTV is Russian TV and offers the Russian perspective on the news. I try to keep an open mind about these things but this one was a little over the top for me. Anyway, I indulged his whim and listened to a report on the potential collapse of the START Treaty and why Russia is getting such a raw deal from the US. It was interesting to hear a different prospective.
Thursday was a busy day for us. I got my roots touched up and a hair cut, went across the street for a French Manicure (new salon and really good) then followed it up with a visit to the Kosmetyczny for the old eyebrow and eyelash tint routine. The manicurist is Renata Ryndak at Cabinet Kosmetyczny. Her French manicure cost $11 and was the genuine article. I am 5 days into this manicure without a chip so the extra $5 was well worth it. I am back with Agneta, my first hairdresser and I just love her. A cut, color and style was $16 and change; can you believe it? Aneta left the car for me so I wouldn't have to walk home after getting my hair done because it was still so cold and I didn't want to mess it up by putting on a hat! What a wuss - I know. But we had plans for the evening so I really did have a good excuse.
Tonight we went to a slide presentation and lecture at the Ethnographic Museum in Dabrowa Gornicza where members of Aneta's Spelunkers group were going to be gathered to hear one of their own. Gregoriez, the presenter, had recently led an expedition of Polish adventurers to the former Russian Republic of Georgia to explore the culture and terrain in the Carpathian Mountains. Aneta went with some of these same folks on her expedition to Spitzbergen and also on a cave exploration expedition to Albania. We arrived a few minutes after six, due to traffic, and the small auditorium was packed to the gills. There was standing room only, although, since it pays to know people in high places, they found me a chair near the back and Aneta and Ania were placed in the front row. It was very hot in this small room with probably 200 people packed in like sardines in a can and absolutely no elbow room to start shedding layers. I got very warm and very sleepy as I listened to a lecture in Polish. The slides were beautiful and I was very interested in seeing them as this is the part of Russia that our former tailors and dear friends, the Anishchenkos, hail from. Apparently the lecture was amusing as I kept being jolted awake by chuckles and laughter. We even had a short lecture on the political situation in Abkasia and Ossetia, which I got the gist of from having read about it over the past few years.
Following the presentation w toured the museum which was absolutely wonderful. This man has led expeditions to India, Peru, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea,Albania, Spitzbergen (near the Artic Circle)from which he has amassed an amazing collection of cultural artifacts reflecting the life and habits of the peoples of these various parts of the world. The Georgian expedition will also takes its place in the museum as well. What a way to spend Thanksgiving while all my American friends and family were stuffing themselves with turkey and all the trimmings. We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes with shredded cabbage and carrot salad left over from the day before! I was going to make a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Aneta and all her friends but there is no such thing as a whole Turkey in this country unless you take up arms and go hunting for a wild one. The other funny thing was all the friends have jobs and were working that day - imagine!
Friday was a bad day. A really bad day. It started out fine but around noon I got terrible stomach pains and ended up with an horrific case of the stomach/intestinal flu. Aneta packed Ania off for the day and When Witek arrived home for the weekend they immediately took Ania to Aneta's parents for the weekend. I didn't blame them and wondered why they didn't just go and stay there themselves. I slept most of the day - when I wasn't visiting the loo. I had a date with Michal and Agnes to spend the evening together but when Aneta got home and saw that there was no improvement in my condition she called them and begged off for me. They sent medicine over to me with instructions to take three tablets tonight and three in the morning and a promise that I would then be well! Did it work? I took the tablets as instructed ad I certainly felt fine on Saturday - although not so fine I wanted to go anywhere or do anything. Aneta and Witek went to her parents and spent the day and left me alone to heal and rest.
Sunday I cooked hash browns and fried eggs for breakfast and just kept on cooking as Chris came to visit and wanted some as a "memory" of what I fed them for breakfast in the US. Witek declined my offer of breakfast until he saw Chris's breakfast and then he changed his mind. Witek's cousin Ela also came by for a visit and Michal came at 1:30 to collect me for our rescheduled date. He walked me over to Agnes's flat for a lovely Sunday dinner. On the way he took me to see the local Catholic Church in Knurow. It is pink and shaped like a Pope's hat. It is an odd structure. We went inside and it is barren, stark and cold. The decor is spartan to be kind. But it is their church and Michal and Agnes hope to be married there one day soon I think.
We arrived for dinner at 2 pm and were greeted by Agnes and Konrad - such a handsome young man and so shy. Agnes prepared the wonderful traditional Silesian soup called Rosol, which is a broth with pasta noodles, fried pork cutlets and mashed potatoes accompanied by a lovely salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, red pepper and chinese cabbage. All of this was followed by a wonderful chocolate cream cake roll, green tea and an apéritif of cherry brandy. I was given more of the medicine they had earlier provided and instructed to take two with dinner and two more twice on Monday. We visited - a difficult thing for Agnes as her English is much more limited than Michals - and looked at the photos on my iPad from the Croatia trip and a few photos from Prairie City and my family. We discussed business ideas and talked about how some of these young folks in Poland might be able to take advantage of the new rising middle class with a business idea or two. These are industrious, hard working people who are really hungry for a break - or a breakthrough as the case may be. If they were in the US they would all be Republicans - TEA Party Republicans I think. Maybe that is what living in a social welfare state for 40 years does to you. This generation is very outspoken about not wanting to live in a social welfare state and they seem quite unhappy with the leadership of their current government.
Michal and Agnes walked me home around 5:30 pm and Witek and Aneta served coffee and tea. They stayed and visited until Witek left to go back to school at 8 PM. All in all it was a lovely day and a lovely solo excursion. Michal was helping me with some information I needed and we needed to keep it private. That is what prompted the dinner without my dear companions, Aneta and Witek. They, however, got an invitation to dinner at Franke and Marions so I am sure they were also well fed.
Just a short week and a half until my plane leaves the ground and I am homeward bound again. Aneta and I are both having withdrawal pains but happily planning our next tour for September of 2012. Come join us!
Aneta has put more pictures on the older blogs if you have the energy to scroll through and look at them. Hapy hunting!
The car was still in the shop Tuesday so we pretty much just hung out today. Actually Aneta's father-in-law, Franke called and said he was picking us up at 10 AM to take us to the market. Turns out it was the Polish Bazaar that we had gone to with him previously. It was bitter cold out today and overcast so we bundled up like we were going to the North Pole. "Jzimna" is the word I keep hearing when it is cold out and I have no clue how to spell it but it sounds like zz- im -na to my ear. When I hear that I start piling on the warm clothes. We spent about a half-hour out in the cold before we headed to the car. I bought some more underwear and a gift for one of my grandsons and Aneta and Franke bought fresh vegetables, bread and eggs. Next we went to the regular grocery store so they could pick up the remaining items we apparently needed; milk, cream, coffee, etc. After the market they dropped me off at the flat and went to town to pick up Aneta's car from the repair shop. Her car has been converted to LPG - natural gas - and was having a problem staying alive while you drove down the road. Not real safe and very concerning to have your car die while you are barreling along in traffic on a highway.
Krystian came over again this week on Wednesday evening and we had a wonderful visit with our young Ron Paul fan. To hear him tell it the USA is doomed to a total collapse of our fragile economy if we don't elect Ron Paul. He believes this with all his heart and he is also highly incensed that the "mainstream media" in the US ignore Ron Paul. I played the Jon Stewart clip on Ron Paul for him, in which Jon Stewart makes the same point about the mainstream media. Then we discussed Jon Stewart and why I enjoy his show. He asked me if I ever watched the news on UTube. I said no, as I have never done so. He wanted to know why and I told him I supposed it was a generational thing. So we fired up the old iPad and found UTube and they showed me how to find RTTV, where Krystian thinks I will find unbiased world news at the touch of a button. Turns out RTTV is Russian TV and offers the Russian perspective on the news. I try to keep an open mind about these things but this one was a little over the top for me. Anyway, I indulged his whim and listened to a report on the potential collapse of the START Treaty and why Russia is getting such a raw deal from the US. It was interesting to hear a different prospective.
Thursday was a busy day for us. I got my roots touched up and a hair cut, went across the street for a French Manicure (new salon and really good) then followed it up with a visit to the Kosmetyczny for the old eyebrow and eyelash tint routine. The manicurist is Renata Ryndak at Cabinet Kosmetyczny. Her French manicure cost $11 and was the genuine article. I am 5 days into this manicure without a chip so the extra $5 was well worth it. I am back with Agneta, my first hairdresser and I just love her. A cut, color and style was $16 and change; can you believe it? Aneta left the car for me so I wouldn't have to walk home after getting my hair done because it was still so cold and I didn't want to mess it up by putting on a hat! What a wuss - I know. But we had plans for the evening so I really did have a good excuse.
Tonight we went to a slide presentation and lecture at the Ethnographic Museum in Dabrowa Gornicza where members of Aneta's Spelunkers group were going to be gathered to hear one of their own. Gregoriez, the presenter, had recently led an expedition of Polish adventurers to the former Russian Republic of Georgia to explore the culture and terrain in the Carpathian Mountains. Aneta went with some of these same folks on her expedition to Spitzbergen and also on a cave exploration expedition to Albania. We arrived a few minutes after six, due to traffic, and the small auditorium was packed to the gills. There was standing room only, although, since it pays to know people in high places, they found me a chair near the back and Aneta and Ania were placed in the front row. It was very hot in this small room with probably 200 people packed in like sardines in a can and absolutely no elbow room to start shedding layers. I got very warm and very sleepy as I listened to a lecture in Polish. The slides were beautiful and I was very interested in seeing them as this is the part of Russia that our former tailors and dear friends, the Anishchenkos, hail from. Apparently the lecture was amusing as I kept being jolted awake by chuckles and laughter. We even had a short lecture on the political situation in Abkasia and Ossetia, which I got the gist of from having read about it over the past few years.
Following the presentation w toured the museum which was absolutely wonderful. This man has led expeditions to India, Peru, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea,Albania, Spitzbergen (near the Artic Circle)from which he has amassed an amazing collection of cultural artifacts reflecting the life and habits of the peoples of these various parts of the world. The Georgian expedition will also takes its place in the museum as well. What a way to spend Thanksgiving while all my American friends and family were stuffing themselves with turkey and all the trimmings. We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes with shredded cabbage and carrot salad left over from the day before! I was going to make a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for Aneta and all her friends but there is no such thing as a whole Turkey in this country unless you take up arms and go hunting for a wild one. The other funny thing was all the friends have jobs and were working that day - imagine!
Friday was a bad day. A really bad day. It started out fine but around noon I got terrible stomach pains and ended up with an horrific case of the stomach/intestinal flu. Aneta packed Ania off for the day and When Witek arrived home for the weekend they immediately took Ania to Aneta's parents for the weekend. I didn't blame them and wondered why they didn't just go and stay there themselves. I slept most of the day - when I wasn't visiting the loo. I had a date with Michal and Agnes to spend the evening together but when Aneta got home and saw that there was no improvement in my condition she called them and begged off for me. They sent medicine over to me with instructions to take three tablets tonight and three in the morning and a promise that I would then be well! Did it work? I took the tablets as instructed ad I certainly felt fine on Saturday - although not so fine I wanted to go anywhere or do anything. Aneta and Witek went to her parents and spent the day and left me alone to heal and rest.
Sunday I cooked hash browns and fried eggs for breakfast and just kept on cooking as Chris came to visit and wanted some as a "memory" of what I fed them for breakfast in the US. Witek declined my offer of breakfast until he saw Chris's breakfast and then he changed his mind. Witek's cousin Ela also came by for a visit and Michal came at 1:30 to collect me for our rescheduled date. He walked me over to Agnes's flat for a lovely Sunday dinner. On the way he took me to see the local Catholic Church in Knurow. It is pink and shaped like a Pope's hat. It is an odd structure. We went inside and it is barren, stark and cold. The decor is spartan to be kind. But it is their church and Michal and Agnes hope to be married there one day soon I think.
We arrived for dinner at 2 pm and were greeted by Agnes and Konrad - such a handsome young man and so shy. Agnes prepared the wonderful traditional Silesian soup called Rosol, which is a broth with pasta noodles, fried pork cutlets and mashed potatoes accompanied by a lovely salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, red pepper and chinese cabbage. All of this was followed by a wonderful chocolate cream cake roll, green tea and an apéritif of cherry brandy. I was given more of the medicine they had earlier provided and instructed to take two with dinner and two more twice on Monday. We visited - a difficult thing for Agnes as her English is much more limited than Michals - and looked at the photos on my iPad from the Croatia trip and a few photos from Prairie City and my family. We discussed business ideas and talked about how some of these young folks in Poland might be able to take advantage of the new rising middle class with a business idea or two. These are industrious, hard working people who are really hungry for a break - or a breakthrough as the case may be. If they were in the US they would all be Republicans - TEA Party Republicans I think. Maybe that is what living in a social welfare state for 40 years does to you. This generation is very outspoken about not wanting to live in a social welfare state and they seem quite unhappy with the leadership of their current government.
Michal and Agnes walked me home around 5:30 pm and Witek and Aneta served coffee and tea. They stayed and visited until Witek left to go back to school at 8 PM. All in all it was a lovely day and a lovely solo excursion. Michal was helping me with some information I needed and we needed to keep it private. That is what prompted the dinner without my dear companions, Aneta and Witek. They, however, got an invitation to dinner at Franke and Marions so I am sure they were also well fed.
Just a short week and a half until my plane leaves the ground and I am homeward bound again. Aneta and I are both having withdrawal pains but happily planning our next tour for September of 2012. Come join us!
Aneta has put more pictures on the older blogs if you have the energy to scroll through and look at them. Hapy hunting!
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