Sometimes the limitations of English can produce the most wonderful experiences. I failed to tell this story on the Wednesday post so you get it tonight.
When Kamil came to pick Aneta and me up for our day visiting "closed for the winter" castles it was an especially cold and dreary day. Kamil was bundled up in the traditional garb worn by everyone you see outside in these parts, warm coat,collar up, neck muffler wrapped around twice, gloves and hat. When he came into the flat he shivered and said it was very cold outside. Then he reached for me to give me a hug. He hugged me nice and close and then exclaimed, "Oh, you are so hot!" Believe me it made my day! I laughed so hard and he turned so red when he realized what he had said.
So, when Kamil arrived at the good-bye party last night I had to tell the story for everyone to enjoy. He may never live it down!
Aneta and Witek threw an awesome farewell party for me last night. Most everyone who was invited came and we had a delightful time hugging and crying and kissing each other. Nearly everyone who came brought me a going away gift. It was so touching. I received a beautiful porcelain cup and saucer from Kacia, the young lady in the flat across the entry from us. She was as excited about giving the gift as I was about receiving such a lovely and thoughtful gift.
Fot: Linda and Marek at the party, Aneta |
Ania and Marek brought me a tradtional Polish gift of Vodka and a box of sweets with wished for me to remember Poland and them with good thoughts and memories. Kamil brought me a lovely panoramic photo calendar, with a dedication by him written on top, and some wonderful looking chocolate truffle treats from the chocolatier we visited together on our day trip. From Frank and Marianna I received the Polish National Emblem to put in my caar window back home. from Witek and Alycja I received a beautiful Christmas ornament to remember them by and a beautiful silver necklace with a stunning blue/black stone pendant. From Michal, Agnes and Konrad I received a really nice book about this Region, Silesia, written in multiple languages, of which one is English. It has many lovely photos and tells about all the special festivals and holidays celebrated in this region as well as giving an historical overview of the area. Ela brought me a nice coffee mug from Ustron, the mountain we visited together. I was so touched by everyone's generosity as I have been so thankful for their hospitality and welcoming spirits.
Fot: From left Marianna, Alicja, Linda and Witek, Aneta |
I had small gifts for each of the guests as well, Christmas centerpiece candles for Franek and Marion and Witek and Alicja, a Black Eyed Peas CD for Kasia (her favorite group), a porcelain angel box for Ela, who was such an angel to open her home and heart to me, and special gold heart Christmas ornaments for each of my other friends so as they trim their trees in years to come they will hang it and remember our special connection. Konrad was sick and couldn't come to the party but Aneta and Wiek and I went together and bought him a new Harry Potter game for his computer. Michal took it home to him so he could play it last night. Aneta, Witek and Ania received their Christmas presents from me last night as well. Early, I know, but I won't be here for Christmas and it is so much more fun to see the recipient open the gift in person. Ania was dressed in her adorable blue party dress I made for her and brought with me. It was much to big for her when I arrived three months ago but fit her perfectly last night. She has grown so much in these three short months. Aneta received a wrist watch so she can better control her time and her life! Witek received a leather bound National Geographic date book with beautiful photos on very page, many of places he and Aneta have visited in the US and throughout the world. (He is not using electronic gadgetry to keep his appointments yet.) Ania received a large piece Disney Winnie the Pooh puzzle and a pair of Marimba band shaker instruments made of wood. She loved her gifts and playe with them all evening. Actually everyone seemed happy with what they received and I must say I was overwhelmed with the gifts of love extended to me from and by all of these lovely people.
Fot: A party table, Linda |
The table was weighed down under all the food we had. Aneta prepare both the vegetable and the layered salads that we put on the blog a few days ago. I made a good old fashioned American potato salad, Ela brought a delicious curry pasta salad, Witek made both Zurek soup with sausage and Tiramisu. Aneta made a special poppy seed cake, the recipe for which has been passed down to her from her aunt. It was delicious! The girl can cook! We bought two rotisserie chickens and I peeled all the meat off the bones before the guests arrived and we served it as bite size pieces in a large bowl. We had chips and crackers and Brie and other cheeses, tomatoes with mozzarella cheese in herbs and olive oil, the traditional slices of ham, Coke, Coke Zero and wine. We had enough food to make everyone happy and enough left over for breakfast/brunch today and dinner for Witek's parents and Aneta's parents at different times today. Aneta also sent food home with Michal for Agnes and Konrad, who are both under the weather. Goodbye's don't get any better than this!
Fot: Ania in her beautiful dress made by Linda |
A few of my dearest Polish friends were not able to make the party for various reasons, Kojak and Agnes and Ewa, the beautiful little red haired girl who has served as our Krakow guide on previous trips. That was a missed communication and I felt terrible about it but she knows I love her and I know she wanted to be here.
Today is Sunday and Witek is still home. He passed all his tests with flying colors and gets an extra night at home this weekend as a reward. Aneta and I were on a mission this afternoon and went to the Forum Shopping center to wait for Aneta's name to be called in the drawing for a trip for two to Paris, on which she had promised to take me if she won! She didn't. Bummer. We were so sure her's would be the name called. Instead it was some short, plump, young man. I am sure the promoters are cringing tonight as this trip included a big Paris shopping spree and an image make-over! I hope this guy has a beautiful young wife or girlfriend but since none seemed to be with him he will probably take his short plump mother along for the beauty make-over. Such is life. Lotteries just aren't fair!
But the good news was Aneta and I had a great afternoon sitting in a specialty coffee shop eating cake and drinking Cafe Macchiatos. No, we didn't do any shopping and we didn't spend any money except for the indulgences mentioned here. When we left the mall it was raining again but the air is warm so it doesn't feel like there is any snow coming before I am airborne.
Aneta and Witek and 8 of their friends have reserved cabins in the mountains for a ski vacation beginning the day after I leave and there is NO SNOW anywhere! They are really bummed and several of those who have committed and paid a deposit are threatening to pull out. Aneta wants to go, hike, enjoy the out of doors, be with her husband after a long three month absence, and generally spend some quality time with Ania and her friends. I hope she gets her wish and I hope it snows on December 11th!!! At least in the mountains.
This week we have an invitation to Witek Weclawek's birthday party (I think it is his 58th, but he tried to convince me it was his 21st)on Wednesday and an evening for dinner with Kamil at Promienice, a hunting palace formerly owned by the same family that had the palace at Psczyna we visited earlier. The hunting lodge has been turned into a gourmet restaurant that is supposed to be out of this world.
I hope I find time to pack my clothes and find a place for all these lovely gifts I will be carrying home!
I will try to post as I go this week but it may be pretty boring stuff. So if I don't get back to you before the end of the year have a wonderful holiday season and a blessed, happy and prosperous NEW YEAR!