Monday, November 21, 2011

Finally, a day off for me!

Rest and relaxation for me today. Aneta took the car in for repairs promising to be back by three. She ended up having to leave the car and take the bus home where she then borrowed her father-in-law's car for me to drive myself to my massage appointment.

I crawled off my living room bed around noon and walked to the grocery store to buy a few much needed items before eating breakfast and drinking a leisurely cup of coffee. I settled in to catch up on blog posts and that is where Aneta found me when she returned home at 3:15.

I took myself off to the masseuse and had a 2 hour back, hip and leg massage. Boy did it help. This new girl is really good and I like her - she doesn't yap at me constantly!

Michael and Agnes stopped by this evening to return my cell phone they had borrowed over the weekend because Agnes's nephew was in the hospital and Michael needed to go to Warsaw to get the rest of his belongings. Apparently they both needed a phone so they could stay in touch.

All quiet on the home front and I plan on making it an early evening for bed tonight. Aneta is at her computer putting the recipes for Polish Vegetable Salad, Gyro's Chicken Salad and Glombki plus a recipe for vinegar free dill pickles that don't have to be canned (but you need to eat them within a few weeks) on the blog. Let us know if you try these - they are delicious but we need feedback on the measurements for things.

Goodnight all!


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